Astrological Transits January 18 to 21, 2025
Global transits affect the entire planet, especially when multiple transits occur at the same time. Every individual is affected to some extent, but those with natal planets near the transit degrees are affected the most. Collective healing at these times brings the planet into alignment with those individuals, creating a more balanced environment for the whole planet.
From 18 to 21 January 2025, three major planetary transits will occur:
A Pluto-Sun conjunction at 1 degree Aquarius will be sextile/trine the moon's nodes at 29 degrees Aries/Libra. The Sun will trigger Pluto's exit from Capricorn into Aquarius, as both leave the restrictive limits of Capricorn and enter freeing and transcendent Aquarius. The nodes add an element of fatefulness in a harmonious aspect to Sun-Pluto.
The Venus-Saturn conjunction at 16 degrees Pisces will be sextile Mercury at 16 Capricorn. The steady and devoted influence of Saturn and Capricorn blends with the romantic elements of Venus and Pisces and the communication and perception of Mercury.
Mars at 23 Cancer will be sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus -- the revolutionary combination of Mars and Uranus will be fueled by Cancer fantasies and Taurus ambition.
-Kate Bloodgood
Join us for a virtual sound bath to invite collective healing and support during these transits. Stephanie of Cosmic Listening will be livestreaming this free event here at 6:30 pm MST on Tuesday January 21, 2025.